After payment already transferred, please call Khun Bud 086 - 8082808, 081 -4318310.
Delivery Procedure
EMS goods delivery takes 2-3 days. Registered goods delivery takes 3-7 days.
EMS delivery is charged according to actual weight. We will weigh the quantity of product ordered and will inform you. Later, payment will be transferred (to be most fair to the customers). Registered delivery is charged at 50 baht for fee. But if the customer orders a product with amount ranging from 700 baht or more, registered delivery is free of charge.
2. If the customer makes a payment and calls before 14.00 hrs. daily, the shop will deliver goods within that day immediately.
3. The storefront will notify the parcel post number on website. Or you can call the storefront to ask about the parcel post number.
4. For registered goods delivery and the weight of that product over 2 kg. or more, the postal service will automatically deliver goods of ordinary type. Ordinary delivery takes about 3-7 days, depending on the distance of the receiver.
5. If the product has not reached the customer in delivery time yet, the customer can call for inquiry. The storefront is pleased to ask the postal or transport service to inquire about the cause of delay in delivery and notify the customer immediately.